Saturday, 31 August 2013

Life is Beautiful

I just finished watching 'Perks of being a Wallflower' for the third or fourth time, and I've realised what makes me love this movie so much. It's the way it shows how beautiful life is, even in those dark times when we feel lost or sad, or depressed, there's beauty in the feeling.

The greatest music is inspired by those times. People find themselves in the times when they feel like they've lost everything else. Our lives are shaped by those times that we feel most insecure and overwhelmed.

Life is beautiful, every second of it. And I believe that once we realise that, and start seeing the beauty in every moment, feeling and experience we have, our lives would be infinitely better. We're alive, and that's beautiful...

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Weaknesses and Meanesses

‘So throughout our life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people we most despise.’

I’m currently reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, and I read this sentence, and i thought: this is so true. So I just had to write down my thoughts on it...
We’re usually the worst version of ourselves when we’re around people we dislike. We tend to get overly dramatic and we hurt the people we do like, just to ‘show them’ that they can’t get to us. And yet, that’s exactly what we let them do: get to us. We try to act all tough and uncaring, but in the end, the people for who's benefit we do that don't even notice.
It’s also true that  we try extra hard to impress the people we don’t like. Isn’t that strange? Aren’t we supposed not to care what they think? We don’t care about them, so why do we care what their opinion is of us? And yet, we dress our best, act more confident, try to be someone we’re not, just for the sake of those people that we don’t like.
I tend to do this quite a lot, and in my case I think it’s about the fact that the people I don’t like make me feel uncomfortable, maybe even inadequate, and so I try to make myself better. The thing is, it doesn’t really work. You’re still not going to like them, so why even bother? Most probably they don’t even notice how you’re acting, or dressing, so I’m going to try to be myself, even around the people I dislike.


So, this blog has been without posts for almost...I don't know...a year?

But, lately I've had this urge to write...and so I thought, why not just continue with the blog I already have? If nobody reads it, then thats no more or less than the number of people currently reading what I'm writing, so I've got nothing to lose.

I'm just going to blog random stuff, maybe some poems, my thoughts, what I do...whatever...when I feel like it. I'm not going to be pressuring myself into writing. It doesn't work.

So this is me...being a blogger...sort of...