Thursday, 5 June 2014

How to measure a life.

There's been many songs and poems and quotes etc about how you shouldn't measure your life in hours or days or years but in the amount of time you spent laughing etc.
But I don't think that's exactly right. I think you should measure your life, not in time, but in experiences. Not just the good ones, because nobody has just good experiences in their life, but the bad ones as well.
Don't just count the times you laughed, count the times you cried as well.
That is what life is in my opinion, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the gains and the losses and when you put them all together just make sure it's a beautiful picture. Like I've said before there's beauty in sadness. Just make sure there's something, because nothingness has never been beautiful.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Judging people by their actions.

So many times we'll say 'don't judge a book by it's cover', and we'll feel really good about ourselves for saying it, because it's right and it's what good people say...right? And it's all very well, judging people by their appearance has never been intelligent nor has there ever been a legitimate reason for it, but how often do judge people by what they do?
So often we base our opinions of people solely on what they do. This is probably why we tend to start conversations with strangers with question like: 'What do you do?' 'In what line of work are you?' etc. instead of asking them about who they are.
Think about your closest friends...what makes them your friends? Is it because they do things that are interesting. Is it because they do 'good things'? Most of the time this might have an influence, but it's never the real reason. It's always because you feel something for that person, whether it's love, trust, acceptance, whatever. Human relationships are based on emotion, and yet we're always trying to hide that emotion behind this wall of mere actions and reactions.
How many times have we heard/said 'he's a bad person', 'she's no use', 'they're evil'? How many of those times did we stop to think about the reasons behind the accusations. How many of those accusations were based on ignorance or even jealousy or another emotion? Most of these stem from what we see other people do, but we never ask 'why', we never stop and wonder about the person behind the actions.
I despise it when people assume things about other people, when they really don't know what the story behind it is. Yes, some people do 'bad things' just for a laugh or a kick or because they're insane. But my personal opinion is that no person is born bad, and that no person every becomes completely evil, no matter what they might be doing.
And I guess that's the point I'm trying to make, if we stopped judging people by what they do and try to look at the reasons behind it I think there would be less hate in the world and more understanding. We would stop assuming we are always right, and question ourselves and our own motivations and thoughts a bit. After all, the only way to change the world is to start with Michael Jackson said: 'start with the man in the mirror'.
Ps. I will never condone people harming themselves or someone else, but I think the only solution to this kind of behaviour is finding the reason behind it.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

My brain is so weird: on horses riding horses and analogies about that statement...

So I was thinking (and this statement should always be accompanied by an 'oh boy' or any other sentiment with the same meaning) and I somehow ended up at horses, and then I thought...what if someone was so stupid as to feel sorry for a horse for having to walk everywhere by itself and then buy said horse it's own vehicle (whether it's a car, another horse, a donkey, whatever)...In other words, the poor horse now has to ride something...(just don't ask, I don't even know...)

Then I tried coming up with an analogy (because it's just something I do sometimes to try and make sense of my own thoughts) and I came up with this. Basically that is giving someone something that they really don't need, don't want and will probably never use. That's like buying a person a DVD machine when they don't own a TV...then you can say 'that's like buying a horse a car!'

I don't even know why I'm writing this right's just a little sneak peak at how strange my brain really is...

Probably the most stupid post I've ever written (I would say it's the most stupid THING I've ever written, but my diary tops it...yep...)

I'm a weirdo...and a useless blogger...that's the point of this post.