Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Beginnings

So it's 2014 here....and I've been thinking (uh-oh)

You know that bitter-sweet feeling you get when you say goodbye to the old year and greet the new? I just realized that it's not because of the memories you're leaving behind, because you take those with you.
No, it's because the old year is safe, you've lived through it, survived it. No matter how hard it got, you're still here, still breathing and still able to smile.
The new year is a mystery, you don't know what's going to happen, and that's why it's bitter-sweet. It's exciting, another year, more adventures, new people, yet there's that element of uncertainty that haunts this excitement. No-one knows if they're going to leave the new year alive. No-one knows who or what they're going to lose, what might happen to them in this year we're welcoming. Yet, you're still excited, and that is the true optimism that hides inside every human being on this planet. The fact that you're excited for something that might end so badly, that we still have enough hope to celebrate the coming of a new year.

I wish you all the best in this new year, and may we all keep hoping.

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